Fees, Payment & Options
Surgical Fees & Rebates
As a member of The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the Urological Society of Australia, Dr Han adheres to strict guidelines governing medical practice and advertising. Our fees structure also follows the recommended guidelines set out by the Australian Medical Association.
Consultation Fee
Consultation fees are $300.00 for an initial consultation and $120.00 for subsequent review consultations if required.
The Initial consultation fee for aged pensioners who receive a government pension is $200.00 and $80.00 for subsequent review consultations if required.
All consultations are eligible for a Medicare rebate with a valid doctor's referral.
Our practice offers online Medicare claiming which allows the Medicare rebate for your consultation to be paid directly into your nominated bank account within 48 hours. You must be registered with Medicare to be able to access this service – Medicare on line registration forms are available online at Medicare Australia www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/enablers/online-services/register
A Medicare rebate of approximately $81.30 is available for the initial consultation if you have been referred by your local doctor and hold a valid Medicare card. A Medicare rebate of $40.85 is available for review consultations.
We accept cash, credit card or EFTPOS for payment of your service. Full payment is required at the time of attendance.
Overall Cost of Surgery (Private Hospital)
Generally, the overall fees for surgery includes several components:
- Dr Han’s fee, which includes the routine post-operative follow up for six weeks. See section below.
- The anaesthetist’s fee.
- An assistant fee (where applicable)
- The hospital or day surgery fee.
- Pathology (where applicable).
- Others: which may include cost of implants, prosthesis, etc.
Surgical Fees (Private Hospital)
For privately insured patients, your private insurance will generally cover part of your surgeon’s fees.
The remainder, also known as the “GAP”, covers for the costs of providing specialist health care where Medicare and private insurance rebates have consistently failed to keep up with inflation.
The amount of the “GAP” varies depending on the nature and complexity of the surgery. In all instances, a written estimate is provided prior to the procedure being scheduled.
We would strongly recommend all patients check with their private health fund to establish whether other costs may apply.